Admission Notices

The requirements for giving notice of intention to apply for admission to the legal profession are found in:

  • the Admission Kit provided by the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board through the Queensland Law Society website;
  • the resources and links on the Queensland Courts website; and in
  • rules 12 and 12A Supreme Court (Admission) Rules 2004  ("the Admission Rules").

The Notice of Intention to Apply is required to be published in the Queensland Law Reporter (“QLR”). Advertising requests for the publication of admission notices in the QLR are lodged through the ICLRQ Online Customer Portal.

Form 9 sets out the required* layout of the Notice of Intention to Apply for Admission to the Legal Profession, which is as follows:

Sample draft notice of intention to apply for admission to the legal profession

I, THOMAS RICHARD HARRY (also known as TOM DICK HARRY) of 95B North Quay Brisbane, Qld 4000, being a Graduate Law Clerk at ABC Solicitors, and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 11th day of November 2019 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).

Any objection to my admission must state the objector’s name, contact details, and grounds for the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by email to [email protected] not later than 4 p.m. on the 1st day of November 2019.

*NOTE: The information you are required to include in your Form 9 may vary from case to case. The sample notice above and the forms provided through the ICLRQ Online Customer Portal should be used as a guide only, and they do not cover all the various situations that can arise when applying for admission to the legal profession.

The ICLRQ is unable to offer advice or assistance in the drafting of notices to be advertised in the QLR. Please contact the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board with regards to any questions and concerns related to applying for admission to the legal profession in Queensland.

For the purposes of satisfying the requirements of the Admission Rules, it is sufficient for the notice to be placed only in the QLR. Advertising requests for the publication of admission notices in the QLR are lodged through the ICLRQ Online Customer Portal.

The notice must appear in an edition of the QLR published “at least 21 but not more than 42 days before the sittings in which the person intends to apply for admission”.

  • “at least 21 days” means up to and including the 21st day.
  • “Days” refer to calendar days, not business days.
  • Please refer to the Queensland Law Society website for the important dates and advertising requirements and the Queensland Courts website for further resources, legislation and guidelines. All other admission-related queries must be directed to the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board.
  • Please refer to the Queensland Courts website for the dates of all presently scheduled admissions ceremonies.
  • All other admission-related queries must be directed to the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board.

You can also click here for more information on how to advertise in the QLR.


Any objection to a person’s application to apply for admission to the legal profession must state the objector’s name, contact details, and grounds for the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane QLD 4001, or by email to [email protected] by no later than 4.00 pm on the date listed on the applicant’s Notice of Intention to Apply for Admission to the Legal Profession.

A publicly accessible database of all persons who have applied, or are applying, for admission to the legal profession is available here.

The Legal Practitioners Admission Board have also helpfully prepared a list of frequently asked questions and answers.