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The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland (ICLRQ) is a charitable institution which was founded in 1907.
The principal function of the ICLRQ is to publish the authorised reports of the Supreme Court of Queensland – the Queensland Reports. This set of reports commenced in 1902 and continues to the present day. It contains a selection of the key decisions of the Supreme Court, as corrected and approved by the deciding judges.
From March 2018, online access to the full set of the Queensland Reports, and all earlier reported Queensland judgments (from 1859), were made readily available to the courts, the legal profession and the public on a not-for-profit basis through the Queensland Judgments website.
New instalments of the Queensland Reports are issued by the ICLRQ every month digitally on the Queensland Judgments website. These instalments are republished in bound volumes three times a year, adding about 1800 pages of reported judgments to the Queensland Reports annually. Printed sets of the Queensland Reports are available in public law libraries throughout Australia and overseas. They may also be purchased from the ICLRQ.
The members of the Council of the ICLRQ serve on a voluntary basis. The Council is primarily constituted by three practising barristers and three practising solicitors, all of whom are appointed annually by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland. There are also three ex officio members of the Council: the Attorney-General of Queensland; the Solicitor-General of Queensland; and the Registrar of the Supreme Court. The Editors, Sub-Editors and Reporters are all practising members of the Queensland Bar who also serve on a largely voluntary basis.
The offices of the Council are located in the Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law and are managed by the Secretary of the ICLRQ.
In its centenary year, a history of the ICLRQ was published by the Supreme Court Library Queensland: Helen Gregory, Capturing law and history: One hundred years of Queensland Law Reporting (SCQL, 2007).